Week 1
Welcome! & Data Science life-cycle
Learning Objectives
- Learners can navigate the platforms that are used to for the course
- Learners can render a file on RStudio Cloud in PDF format
- Learners can list the six elements of the data science lifecycle
- Learners can identify four components of a Quarto file (YAML, code chunk, R code, markdown)
Pre-course survey
Complete this pre-course survey, which helps us understand your current knowledge and motivation for the course: https://forms.gle/7yKyJvNCoiiUQN2R8
Homework assignment
Complete the homework programming assignment that is in your project folder for week 1 on RStudio Cloud (hw-01-data-science-lifecycle.qmd).
📖 Read the Course Overview
Learning reflection
Complete the learning reflection that is in your project folder for week 1 on RStudio Cloud (learning-01.qmd).