Week 5
Joining data & communicating results with Quarto
Learning Objectives
- Learners can use Quarto and Netlify to publish an HTML file
- Learners can add literature references to Quarto files using the navigation menu of RStudio visual editor
- Learners can cross-reference figures and tables within an Quarto file
- Learners can apply functions from the dplyr R Package to join multiple data sets
đź–Ą Lecture 5 - Joining data & Communicating results - HTML
đź–Ą Lecture 5 - Joining data & Communicating results - Download PDF
Homework assignment
This week’s homework programming assignment is an assignment with four sections, which let you practice the functions you have learned during the course. The assigment is contained in a sub-folder of week 5 titled “hw-05a-practice”.
This part of the homework programming assignment does not have a starter file. It is your task to create this file yourself.
- Create a new Quarto file by navigating to the menu: File -> New File -> Quarto Presentation
- Add a title and author, and use the default Reveal JS format
- Save the file in “course-material/wk-05/slides” with the name index.qmd
- Click Render and inspect the output in the Presentation pane on the bottom right
- Delete all content besides the YAML header (at the top of the document)
- Use your own creativity and the Quarto Guide for Revealjs slides to prepare a minimum of five slides.
- Add the line
self-contained: true
to the YAML header - Render the slides
- Export (download) the “slides” directory as “slides.zip” from RStudio Cloud and store the ZIP file on your computer
- Navigate to the folder where you stored the “slides.zip” file and unzip the compressed directory
- Log into your Netlifly account you created during class
- Upload the “slides” directory to Netlifly
- Wait until the site has been deployed
- Share the created link that shows your slides with the course instructor
Learning reflection
Complete the learning reflection that is in your project folder for week 5 on RStudio Cloud (learning-05.qmd).